Welcome to the L4AO Workshop

The 14th edition of the two-days workshop on Laser Technology and Systems for Adaptive Optics will take place in Marseille, France, kindly hosted by our friends of the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille. 

The workshop brings world-experts on laser guide stars (researcher, students, industry professional, etc.) to present and discuss about the latest progress, ongoing issues, and future challenges around laser guide stars for adaptive optics.

We invite you to contribute to the workshop and submit an abstract with the topic your would like to present/discuss. The number of participants is limited to 50.   

 Program L4AO 14 Marseille (pdf)



Topics of interest

  • Operational experience and challenges in LGS systems
    • Alignment of laser/optical path
    • Sodium density monitoring
    • AIV LGS systems
    • Maintenance/repairing strategies
    • Integration with telescope systems
    • Operational modes CW/pulses laser systems
    • LGS pointing and tracking (*)
    • Status of current LGS-AO systems
    • LGS Key Parameter Indicators ( How to Monitor Health, Maintenance, Performance ...)
  • Research and Development in LGS
    • Laser technologies (RFA, VECSEL, NV-diamond lasers, others.)
    • Optical parametric generation
    • Field and laboratory experiments
    • Tip/tilt retrieval methods with LGS (*)
    • Novel concepts
    • CW/pulses laser technology
    • LGS modeling
    • Robotic LGS systems
  • Lasers and Adaptive Optics for space applications
    • LGS assisted optical communications
    • LGS for small telescopes
    • LGS precompensation (*)
    • Beam shaping
    • LGS applications for space debris removal
  • Laser avoidance
    • Aircraft avoidance 
    • Satellite avoidance (*)
    • Laser traffic control systems

 (*) Topics of special interest.



Key dates & deadlines

January 2023: Open registration and abstract contributions.

March 10th, 2023: Deadline abstract submission. EXTENDED UNTIL MARCH 17th!

March 31st, 2023: Author notification (currently under review)

May 5th, 2023: Issue preliminary workshop program 

May 19th, 2023: Close registration.

June 22nd-23rd, 2023: L4AO Workshop



Registration opens in January 2023.

Thanks to our sponsors, registration to this event is free of charge.

The number of participants is limited to 50. 

Participants wishing to attend the AO4ELT7 Conference must register in the website of the event separately. 


Abstract submission

Submissions are open between January 17th and March 17th, 2023.

We encourage participants to present their work at the workshop in talks format of up to 20 minutes, for which we ask you to submit an abstract of 250 words maximum.

In addition to the abstract submission, the speaker must also register for the L4AO workshop separately.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent after the review period by March 31st. 



Please contact us at:

l4ao2023 [at] sciencesconf.org



We appreciate the support and sponsorship provided by the following institutes/universities/organizations.


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Past workshops

2019, Quebec City (Canada)

2017, La Laguna, Tenerife, Islas Canarias (España)

2016, Durham (UK)

2015, Lake Arrowhead (CA, USA)

2014, Lake Arrowhead (CA, USA)

2012, Lake Arrowhead (CA, USA) 

2011, Lake Arrowhead (CA, USA) 

2010, Lake Arrowhead (CA, USA) 

2009, Lake Arrowhead (CA, USA) 

2008, Lake Arrowhead (CA, USA) 

2007 fall, Lake Arrowhead (CA, USA) 

2007 spring, Lake Arrowhead (CA, USA) 

2006, Lake Arrowhead (CA, USA) 

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